Ocean County Library Request for Materials

Please complete the form below if you would like to request an item that the Ocean County Library does not own. Please check our library catalog first as the item may be available or on order: http://pac.theoceancountylibrary.org/polaris/

Requests will be accepted on the day of or after publication/release date. Please continue to check the catalog for all items with current month or upcoming publication/release dates. If you need assistance in completing this form, please contact your local branch.

All required fields are marked with one red asterisk (*).


Library Card Number (all 14 digits beneath barcode):
Please enter only numbers and exactly 14 digits.
First Name:
Last Name:
Confirm Email:

Preferred Phone #
Confirm Preferred Phone #

Pick-up location (Branch):


Please Select an Audience:
Type of Materials:
For book requests, we may substitute the most available edition.
If you only want an exact ISBN match for your requested item, please check here

Select a Videogame Console:

Please Select Fiction or Nonfiction:
Author, Artist, Director:
Publication/Release Date:

Additional Information:

Will you accept an
Interlibrary Loan?
What is a Library Loan, click here.
If you need to change or cancel your ILL request, please call your local branch for assistance. (There is a $5.00 fee for any ILL that is shipped and not picked up)

The actual invoice from the lending library determines the charge for a lost or damaged inter library loan. A temporary charge will be listed on the customer's account until the lending library provides an invoice.

*Please fill in the text box below with the content in the yellow box:
(Characters are "Case-Sensitive")


You must enter a valid value in the following fields:
  • Library Card Number - Please enter only numbers and exactly 14 digits.
  • Please enter your First Name
  • Please enter your Last Name
  • Please enter your phone number.
  • Please select Branch
  • Please select an Audience
  • Please select Materials
  • Please select Fiction or Nonfiction
  • Please enter Title
  • Please enter Author
  • Please enter a Publication/Release Date
  • Will you accept an Interlibrary Loan?